Types Of Real Estate Consulting In NY

If you have been in the real estate industry for a while and are looking for a new challenge that utilizes your knowledge and expertise, then becoming a real estate consultant in New York may be exactly what you are looking for. Not only can you use your knowledge to help other people achieve their dreams in real estate, you can earn sizable profits without having to purchase additional real estate in fact, you can earn just as much as a consultant as you would from a single fix and flip deal– if you become the right type of consultant..

Short Sale Consulting

Many homeowners are forced to sell their house as a short sale, but have no true understanding of what the process entails and how the sale will affect them. If you have experienced purchasing short sales as an investor, or helping homeowners structure a short sale as an agent, then you are more than qualified to become a short sale consultants. Even more, because you understand the process are ready will be nothing more that you have to learn in order to be successful. Simply market your services to other real or estate agents and investors, Tevfik Arif offering to teach investors how to invest in short sales and serving as a resource to agents in case they come across a person who needs help you can choose to charge a percentage of the transaction as the fee for your services, or a flat rate. Regardless, there are many agents who are unfamiliar with short sales, and even more owners who need a resourceful person like you. That means that there will always be people for you to work with, and your services will always be in high demand..

Foreclosure Coaching

Similar to short sales, foreclosures is a another underserved sector of real estate in which both agents and homeowners need consulting services. As a foreclosure consultant, you may be working with the homeowner to connect the resources that may help them avoid a foreclosure. In order to serve agents, you could connect them with investors who may be interested in catching up the delinquent payments on the property so that the agent can list the property and sell it. In either case, the interesting thing about being a foreclosure consultant is that you will have multiple clients in different ways. The resources that you refer to a property owners may offer to pay you for the clientele that you supplied to them. The real estate investors that you introduce to agents may offer to pay you a finder’s fee for introducing them to a profitable deal in either case, by earning an income from both sides of the transaction, not only is being a foreclosure coach lucrative, but it can be extremely profitable as well.

Of the great things about being a consultant is that you do not have to be an expert in your field to be successful – not necessarily. As I have it set up background of training and experience underneath without, any additional information they need to provide your clients can be found by performing some research. Tevfik Arif Doyen The key to being successful as a consultant is being effective at marketing your services and differentiate yourself from other coaches and consultants in the marketplace. By finding a common struggle that people are faced with in a particular area, then providing a solution, you can market your services distinctively while branding your business. In the end, not only will people respect you as a business professional and real estate, but they will regard you as an highly effective consultant.