History and Development of Android OS

The presence of Android as an Open Source mobile OS system is indeed attracting attention for Smartphone users around the world, but do you already know how the History of Android and when is the first time Android Released? If not you can listen to the article below:

What is Android?

 Android is an Operating System developed for mobile users (smartphones and PDAs) as well as Tablets based on the base of Linux OS, the development since 2007 and the Android OS is growing very rapidly in the smartphone market in the world, this is because the Android OS comes with Open license based on Apache license And GPL license. Read also Custom Enterprise Mobile Applications Development

History of Android

 Android Inc. is a mobile hardware device company located in Palo Alto, California USA. And since July 2000 Android in cooperation with the largest search engine company is Google, it turns out the cooperation of both companies is developing the Operating System for mobile phones even though at that time android is only known as a hardware company for mobile phones, Some people who develop it and design is Andy Rubin, Chris White, Nick Sears And Rich Miner.

Under the leadership of Rubin Tim android also developed the Operating System for mobile devices developed from the Linux kernel, and finally emerged android OS that developed under the GPL and Apache license.

When will the Android OS first appear?

 In September 2007 Google began filing for patents for mobile phone applications, but within this year android is still in the development and search stage of Android developer members. and until mid-2008 has started many manufacturers who work with Google’s Android OS is.