Gadgets That Will Make Your Everyday Life a Breeze

When it comes to improving our productivity and enjoyment in life, sometimes we need to look into our everyday processes. Finding ways to optimize the normal things we do each day can provide drastic results in saving us valuable time. We’ve decided to share with you a few gadgets invented by tech geniuses that will help make your mundane daily tasks a breeze.

Virtual Assistant Devices 

There are numerous brands out there on the market, such as Siri, Echo, and Google Now. All of these devices allow you to delegate mundane tasks to the virtual assistant device to complete. This clears up your time and allows you to focus on more valuable aspects of your day.

These virtual assistants can complete a variety of tasks. Some of which include, reading the time, playing music, ordering a pizza, remembering appointments, creating shopping lists, acting as an alarm, researching facts, and even reading audio books. These devices can do everything that a personal assistant can do much quicker and at a much smaller price.

Important Item Trackers 

Losing your wallet, backpack, or keys can be a common misadventure that leads to you running late to the office. This is a problem that can be easily solved with an item tracker. These devices easily slip into your items, such as your wallet and are BlueTooth-enabled.

When you lose one of your important items, simply pull out your phone and connect to the app for the type of device you bought. The app will typically be able to give you the exact location of your item. Most will have a radius of about 100 feet that the phone can search for the device in.

One really cool feature that most of these devices have are a noisy alarm. When you hit the find button on your app the alarm on the device that you placed inside the important lost item will sound. This is extremely helpful when you drop your wallet behind your dresser. It may be out of sight, but it’s not out of ear range. These item trackers will save you a ton of time that you would normally waste searching your home for lost items.

Mugs With Customizable Temperature Settings 

You’ll never have to deal with a cold cup of joe or tea again. With a new line of mugs planning to hit the market designed by Alexander C., a user can set their coffee mug to between 120 and 150 degrees. This will allow your coffee to stay at a consistently warm temperature throughout the morning.

These devices are fairly new to the market and are coming with many new technologically advanced features. One of these features includes an app that measures how much coffee is in your mug and alerts you when your coffee is getting low. It will also share with you the closest coffee shops nearby so you can get a refill.

Making your life more productive can allow you the capacity to create and become the person you want to be sooner. There are many devices out there which can help to improve the way you live. By using the devices listed above you can ensure your day-to-day life goes smoother every time.