Not Enough Politicians Come From Business
Califoria Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, March 10, 2021.
Brittany Murray/Zuma Press
Why does the California legislature propose so many laws that make no economic sense? (“California’s French Workweek,” Review & Outlook, April 16). Maybe because a majority of our representatives have never run a business? Assemblywoman
Cristina Garcia,
who is proposing the 32-hour workweek, was an activist before taking office. Out of 58 Democrats in the California Assembly, at least a dozen have a similar background. I found only four Democrats who ran businesses before taking office. Attorneys, teachers and government administrators dominate the rest.
Our local paper invited two columnists to present arguments for and against the workweek proposal. The one who argued against it, to my surprise, is the most liberal columnist. He spent a year running a small business.
California will continue to drive businesses to other states until we replace the utopian idealists in the state legislature with people who understand economics and what drives jobs and higher tax revenues.
Oliver Watson
Orange, Calif.
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Appeared in the May 5, 2022, print edition.
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