Clean Water: What Part Do You Play?

Water is the most valuable resource on the planet. For many of us, we simply walk to the kitchen and turn the faucet on and clean, potable water appears read to drink. Unfortunately, that is not the case for everyone, not even close. More than 2 billion people do not have access to clean drinking water and global water conditions continue to decline. What is already a critical issue for the lives of countless people, could become a complete epidemic if we do not focus on ways to protect our water sources. 

Chemicals and Hazardous Materials

Using hazardous chemicals should be avoided as much as possible. Chemicals in common things like fertilizers and plastic can leach into our water supplies and make us sick. BPA is a common chemical that is on most people’s radar. We avoid plastic water bottles with BPA so we can save ourselves possible exposure to the hormone-like chemicals. Don’t dispose of medication in the toilet. Many pharmacies have a disposal bin where you can dump old medication safely.

What about the stormwater drains? Do you rinse out paint cans into the gutter? What about oil? Those types of hazardous materials have no business in our water supply. Contact local government officials and ask about responsible chemical disposal. They will have a safe place for you to take any hazardous substances or products.   

Get To Know Your Water Treatment Plant 

The process behind cleaning and sanitizing water can be fascinating. You’ll be surprised to learn what goes into keeping our water clean and safe for human consumption. Take a tour of your local treatment plant and pay attention to the measures in place to keep us healthy.

Water is strained to catch large particles like sticks, plants and trash. Then the water is treated with a chemical that coagulates floating particles. These gelatin-like clumps settle to the bottom and are removed from the water. After extensive filtration and sanitization, the clean water is stored in a water tank. Water storage tanks are protected by tank lining services that cover the inside of the tank and keep it from corroding over time. This keeps our water clean until it is time for it to be distributed to our homes. 

It’s important to know what goes into keeping out water clean so each of us can do our part.